Christian Living



Remnant – The Remnant is a recurring theme throughout the Hebrew and Christian Bible. The Anchor Bible Dictionary describes it as “What is left of a community after it undergoes a catastrophe”. The concept has stronger representation in the Hebrew Bible and Christian OLD TESTAMENT than in the Christian NEW TESTAMENT.  Wikipedia.

Many, Of The Christian Faith, Believe That We Are Saved, or believe that there is plenty of time TO BE SAVED.  Proverbs 27:1) Boast not thyself of to morrow; for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth.  Luke 12:10.  KJV.   TIMES ARE QUICKLY CHANGING FOR THE WORSE AND OUR TROUBLES NOW ARE JUST THE BEGINNING.  But, THE CHURCH WILL BE RAPTURED BEFORE “THE TRIBULATION TIMES” of THE BOOK OF REVELATION.

Revelation 3:10) Because thou hast kept THE WORD OF MY PATIENCE, I ALSO WILL KEEP thee from The Hour Of Temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth.   Ref. 2 Peter 2:9.

John Gill’s Exposition Of The Bible – Revelation 3:10- Because thou hast kept THE WORD OF MY PATIENCE  THE GOSPEL; so called because IT Gives An Account Of THE PATIENCE OF CHRIST, IN THE MIDST OF ALL HIS OUTWARD Meanness (Suffering) And Humiliation; and because IT IS A MEANS OF IMPLANTING  (PUTTING) AND INCREASING THE GRACE OF PATIENCE, WHICH GOD IS THE EFFICIENT CAUSE OF, AND CHRIST IS THE EXAMPLE OF THAT PATIENCE, WHICH BEARS A RESEMBLANCE TO HIS, IN ENDURING AFFLICTIONS, REPROACHES, PERSECUTIONS, DESERTIONS, AND TEMPTATIONS, AND IN WAITING FOR HIS KINGDOM AND GLORY; and because both the preachers and professors of THE WORD Have Need Of Patience, and should exercise it In Like Manner As CHRIST DID. THIS WORD, The Churches, in the Philadelphian state, will keep pure and incorrupt, and observe THE ORDINANCES OF IT ACCORDING TO THE DIRECTIONS GIVEN IT, AND WILL BELIEVE THE PROMISE OF CHRIST’S PERSONAL COMING, AND PATIENTLY WAIT FOR IT:  WHEREFORE, CHRIST PROMISES as follows, I ALSO WILL KEEP thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth;  this hour seems to refer not to any of THE VIALS which will be poured out on the antichristian states, but to some affliction and distress which will befall The Reformed Churches, And Will Light Upon The Outward Court Worshippers Among Them It Seems To Be The Last Struggle Of the beast of Rome, and to denote (indicate) some violent and sharp persecution, such as what Daniel mentions (possibly Daniel 12:10), that never was before nor since; but it will be but short, but one hour, the twenty fourth part of a prophetical day or year, perhaps about a fortnight; yet it will be very extensive; it will reach all the world, the whole Roman empire, and all that dwell upon the earth, That Are Called By The Name Of Christians, and will try them, whether they are so or not; CHRIST WILL NOW HAVE HIS FAN IN HIS HAND, AND PURGE HIS FLOOR OF ALL HIS formal professors and hypocrites; And It Will Be Known Who Are HIS True Churches; And Pure Members; And These HE WILL KEEP CLOSE TO HIMSELF, AND PRESERVE SAFE AMIDST ALL The Distress And Confusion the world will be in. This cannot refer to the bloody persecutions under the Roman emperors, for from those The Church At Philadelphia Was Not Preserved. We read F19 of twelve members of it that suffered with Polycarp.

1 Thessalonians 4:16) FOR THE LORD HIMSELF SHALL DESCEND FROM HEAVEN WITH A SHOUT, WITH THE VOICE OF THE ARCHANGEL, AND WITH THE TRUMP OF GOD:  AND The Dead In CHRIST Shall Rise First:  Matthew 24:30; Acts 1:11.  17) Then We Which Are Alive And Remain SHALL BE CAUGHT UP Together With Them In The Clouds, TO MEET THE LORD IN THE AIR:  And So Shall We Ever Be With THE LORD.  John 12:16; Revelation 21:3, 4. 

Quest Study Bible – 1 Thessalonians 4:16,  “Where are the dead?”  A few take the words fallen asleep literally and believe that the dead remain unconscious Until THE LORD RETURNS.  But most see this as a euphemism:  that the body “sleeps” while the spirit remains conscious.  When Christians die, their bodies go into the grave while their spirits Go To Be With JESUS (2 Corinthians 5:6-8; Philippians 1:23).  When unbelievers die, their bodies go into the grave while their spirits go into a place of torment.  THE OLD TESTAMENT Speaks In A Limited Way about the grave, where all go at death.  THE NEW TESTAMENT Uses the Greek word Hades for THE OLD TESTAMENT Concept (Revelation 20:13), but expands on It considerably.  JESUS HINTED That Hades is divided into two parts—one for the wicked and one for The Righteous.  For the wicked It is described as torment, agony and fire; for The Righteous It is Comfort and Rest (Luke 16:22–26).  .Gehenna is another word for hell, the final place of Judgment Upon the wicked.  It was borrowed from the phrase meaning the Valley of Hinnom, a place where human sacrifices and pagan worship had occurred (2 Kings 23:10).  During NEW TESTAMENT Times the place was the Jerusalem city dump where fires burned continually–a graphic image of perpetual torment and Judgment (see Map 8 at The Back Of This Bible).  WHEN CHRIST RETURNS, those who have died and ARE WITH JESUS will be given New Bodies—Resurrected, Glorified Bodies.  At THE FINAL JUDGMENT unbelievers will be thrown into THE LAKE OF FIRE (Revelation 20:11–15).   v17, “Is The Meeting In The Air literal or figurative?”  It could be either.  Some think This Description parallels an ancient custom.  When dignitaries would visit a city, the leading citizens would go out of the city and escort them back on the final stage of the journey.  The Picture Here Is Of The Christians Going Up To Meet CHRIST And Returning, some say, to earth With HIM.  Others say Believers Will Return With JESUS TO HEAVEN.  Whether This Meeting is literal or figurative, We Will Unquestionably Join HIM AT HIS RETURN.  THIS EVENT IS KNOWN AS THE RAPTURE.

We must examine ourselves daily to Make Sure We Are Growing Closer To CHRIST And Repent Daily for our sins whether in thought or deed.

2 Corinthians 13:5) Examine yourselves, whether ye be in THE FAITH.  Prove your own selves.  Know ye not your own selves, HOW THAT CHRIST IS IN you, except ye be reprobates (depraved, unprincipled, wicked)?

Reprobate – A depraved, unprincipled, or wicked person.   A person rejected by GOD and beyond Hope of SALVATION.

John Gill’s Exposition Of The Bible – 2 Corinthians 13:5 – Examine yourselves whether ye be in The Faith  These words are to be considered in connection with ( 2 Corinthians 13:3 ) for seeing they sought and demanded a proof THE VOICE AND POWER OF CHRIST In The Apostle Paul, he directs them to self examination, to look within themselves, to try, prove, and recognize their own souls; where if things were right, they would find A PROOF OF CHRIST’S SPEAKING in him, to them: he advises them to examine the state of their own souls, and see whether they were in THE FAITH; either in The Doctrine Of FAITH (TEACHINGS), having a Spiritual and Experimental Knowledge Of IT (Having TRUSTED IT), True Love And Affection For IT, An Hearty Belief Of IT, Having Felt The Power  Of IT Upon Their Souls, And Abode In It; whether, as the Syriac version reads it, (Nymyq atwnmyhb) , “ye stand in THE FAITH”, Firm and Stable; or in THE GRACE OF FAITH, Either Of MIRACLES, or That Which Is Connected With SALVATION; and which if they were in IT, and had IT, Is Attended With (Also Has) Good Works; Operates By Love To CHRIST And To HIS People; By Which Souls Go Out Of Themselves To CHRIST, Live Upon HIM, Receive From HIM, And Give HIM ALL THE GLORY OF SALVATION: and if this was their case, he (The Prophet) desires to know how they came by their Faith; and suggests, that their Light In The Doctrine Of THE GOSPEL, And Their Faith In CHRIST JESUS, as well as THE MIRACULOUS GIFTS many of them were possessed of, WERE THROUGH HIS MINISTRY AS THE MEANS; AND THIS WAS FULL PROFF OF CHRIST’S SPEAKING IN him:   Prove your own selves. Know ye not your own selves, how that JESUS CHRIST IS IN you;  by which he means, that if they took a survey of things in their own souls, it would appear that CHRIST was in them; not as HE IS IN ALL the world, FILLING HEAVEN AND EARTH WITH HIS PRESENCE; or AS HE IS IN EVERY rational creature, AS THE CREATOR AND THE AUTHOR OF The Light Of Nature; But In A Special And Spiritual Manner, BY HIS SPIRIT AND GRACE; THE FATHER REVEALS HIM IN HIS People, AS THE FOUNDATION OF Their HOPE OF GLORY; HE HIMSELF ENTERS AND TAKES POSSESSION OF Their Hearts IN CONVERSION (SPIRITUAL CHANGE FROM Sinfulness), COMMUNICATES HIS GRACE, AND MANIFESTS (SHOWS) HIMSELF, AND IS FORMED THERE BY HIS SPIRIT; HIS GRACES ARE IMPLANTED, HIS IMAGE IS STAMPED, HIS SPIRIT IS PUT WITHIN Them, AND HE HIMSELF DWELLS (*THERE) BY FAITH: (*This Person’s Interpretation): And This Upon Inquiry Would Be Found To Be The Case Cf the Corinthians,  except, says The Apostle Paul,  ye are reprobates;  meaning not that they were so, as such may stand opposed to The Elect (Chosen) OF GOD; for persons may as yet neither be in THE FAITH, nor CHRIST in them, and yet both be hereafter (may HAVE THE FAITH at some future time), and so not be left of GOD, or consigned to destruction; but that if they were not In THE DOCTRINE OF FAITH, then they were reprobate concerning IT, or void of Judgment In IT; and if they had not THE GRACE OF FAITH, AND CHRIST was not in them, then they were not Genuine, but nominal (false, untrue) professors (boasters), like “reprobate silver”, counterfeit coin; which when detected, would be “disapproved”, not only by GOD, but man, as this word also signifies, and so stands opposed to them that are “approved”, ( 2 Corinthians 13:7 ) or if they did not make such an examination, probation (testing), and recognition of themselves, they would be without probation (examination): or as the Arabic version, without experiment. The Apostle hereby brings them into this dilemma, either that if upon examination they were found to be in THE FAITH, and CHRIST IN them, Which Blessings they enjoyed THROUGH HIS THROUGH HIS MINISTRY, then they did not want A PROOF OF CHRIST SPEAKING IN him; but if These Things did not appear in them, then they were persons of no Judgment In Spiritual Things, were not real Christians, but insignificant and useless persons.

1 Corinthians 15:58) Therefore, my dear brothers, Stand Firm.  Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to THE WORK OF THE LORD, because you know that your Labor In THE LORD Is Not In Vain.  NIV. 

Matthew Henry’s Concise Bible Commentary – 1 Corinthians 15:58 – We Have An Exhortation (Encouraging Word, Counselling), That Believers Should Be Steadfast (Unmovable), Firm In THE FAITH OF THAT GOSPEL In Which The Apostle (Paul) Preached And They Received.  Also, Believers Must Be Unmovable In Their Hope And Expectation Of THIS GREAT PRIVILEGE, Of Being Raised Incorruptible And Immortal.  And They Must Abound (Be Strong, Active, Powerful) In THE WORK OF THE LORD, Always Doing THE LORD’S SERVICE, AND OBEYING THE LORD’S COMMANDS.  MAY CHRIST GIVE Us FAITH, AND INCREASE Our FAITH, That We May Not Only Be Safe, But Joyful And Triumphant.  Amen! 


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