Christian Living



Lamentations 3:21–26, “THE LORD’S MERCIES”

Lamentations 3:21) This I Recall To My Mind, Therefore Have I HOPE.  22) IT IS OF THE LORD’S MERCIES that we are not consumed, BECAUSE HIS COMPASSIONS FAIL NOT.  23) THEY ARE NEW EVERY MORNING:  GREAT IS THY FAITHFULNESS.  24) THE LORD IS My Portion, Saith My Soul; Therefore Will I HOPE IN HIM.  Psalm 16:5.  25) THE LORD IS GOOD Unto Them THAT WAIT FOR HIM, To The Soul That SEEKETH HIM.  Psalm 130:6.  26) It Is Good That A Man Should Both HOPE AND QUIETLY WAIT FOR THE SALVATION OF THE LORD.  Psalm 37:7.   

Quest Study Bible – v21–24, “Where did Jeremiah find Optimism in such bleak times?”  These Verses Are A Lighted Match In A Dark Room.  Their Hopefulness, contrasted sharply with the Surrounding Dismal Verses, Points To Jeremiah’s Underlying FAITH which–despite his desperation–Was Rooted In GOD’S UNCHANGING CHARACTER.

Nelson’s Compact Bible Commentary – v21, This I Recall To My Mind:  Jeremiah’s Remembrance Of GOD’S FAITHFULNESS brought about a change in The Prophet’s emotions.  When we Focus On THE LORD, We Are Able To Rise Above, rather than to suffer under, our troubles.  v22, This Verse seems to contradict all that had been Written up to this point (see 2:1–5).  Yet the very fact that there was a Prophet Left To Write These Words and A Remnant Left To Read Them show that not every person in Jerusalem had been consumed.  The fact that there was A Remnant at all WAS BECAUSE OF THE MERCIES AND COMPASSIONS OF GOD.  v23, NEW EVERY MORNING:  Every Day Presents Us With A New Opportunity To Discover And Experience MORE OF GOD’S LOVE.  EVEN IN THE MIDST OF TERRIBLE SORROW, Jeremiah Looked For SIGNS OF MERCY.  GREAT IS YOUR FAITHFULNESS:  HERE IS THE HEART OF THE BOOK OF LAMENTATIONS.  THE COMFORTING, COMPASSIONATE CHARACTER OF GOD DOMINATES the wreckage of every other institution and office.  GOD REMAINS “FULL OF GRACE AND TRUTH” IN EVERY SITUATION (see Exodus 34:6, 7; John 1:14).   v24, THE LORD Is My Portion:  This expression is based on Numbers 18:20, in which Aaron was denied an inheritance in the land but was told instead THAT THE LORD HIMSELF WAS his Portion And Inheritance.  I HOPE IN HIM:  HOPE is not a wishful thought, But A Confident Expectation IN THE LORD.  The Verb HOPE suggests the idea of a “Waiting Attitude” (v. 21).   v25, Those Who WAIT:   The Idea Here Is THE ACCEPTANCE OF GOD’S WILL AND HIS TIMING (see Psalm 40:1; Isaiah 40:31).   v26, Good:  NOT ONLY IS GOD GOOD TO Those Who WAIT AND HOPE ON HIM (v. 25), But It Was Also Good For The People.   HOPE AND WAIT Quietly:  A Quiet Confidence In THE SALVATION IN THE LORD Is Always In Order.

John Gill’s Exposition Of The Bible – v24, THE LORD [Is] My Portion, saith my soul  The Prophet, or The Church, whom he represents, rises and increases in THE EXERCISE OF FAITH; From Considering THE MERCIES, COMPASSIONS, AND FAITHFULNESS OF GOD, Concludes A Sure And Firm Interest In HIM, As A Portion And Inheritance. THE LORD IS THE PORTION OF HIS People in life and in death, in time and to eternity; ALL HE IS, AND HAS, IS Theirs; They Are Heirs Of HIM, And Shall Enjoy HIM FOR EVER, and therefore shall not be consumed; HE IS A PORTION LARGE AND FULL, INEXPRESSIBLY RICH, AND GREAT, A SOUL SATISFYING ONE, AND WILL LAST FOR EVER.  And Happy Are Those, Who From Their Hearts, And With Their Souls, UNDER A TESTIMONY OF THE SPIRIT OF GOD To Their Spirits, And Through A GRACIOUS EXPERIENCE OF HIM, can say HE IS Their Portion And EXCEEDING GREAT REWARD, As The Church here did; and these may say with her, as follows: Therefore Will I HOPE IN HIM:  for DELIVERANCE from all evils and enemies; for PRESENT SUPPLIES OF GRACE; and for THE ENJOYMENT OF FUTURE GLORY AND HAPPINESS.  v25, THE LORD [IS] GOOD to them that WAIT FOR HIM  FOR THE ENJOYMENT OF HIM AS Their Potion in this world, And In That To Come; FOR HIS PRESENCE HERE AND HEREAFTER; which they are sometimes now deprived of, but should WAIT PATIENTLY FOR IT; SINCE HE HAS (A) SETTIME TO ARISE AND FAVOUR Them With IT; to such is he “good” communicatively, and in a special way and manner. They that wait for him shall not be ashamed, or disappointed of what they expect; They Shall Renew Their Spiritual Strength, And Grow Stronger And Stronger; They Shall Inherit The Earth, THE NEW HEAVENS AND THE NEW EARTH; Enjoy Many Blessings Now, And Have Good Things Laid Up For Them Hereafter, Eye Has Not Seen, Nor Ear Heard, ( Isaiah 49:23 ) ( 40:31 ) ( 64:4 ) ( Psalms 37:9 ) ; Perhaps Some Regard May Be Had To THE COMING OF CHRIST IN THE FLESH, which The Saints then expected, and were waiting for in FAITH AND HOPE; to whom THE LORD WAS GOOD AND GRACIOUS IN DUE TIME, BY PERFORMING THE MERCY PROMISED them, ( Isaiah 25:9 ) ; To The Soul [That] Seeketh HIM;  that Seeketh HIM Aright; That Seeks HIM By PRAYER AND SUPPLICATION;  That Seeks HIM IN HIS HOUSE AND ORDINANCES, WHERE IS TO BE FOUND; That Seeks HIM Early, in the first place, and above all things else; That Seeks HIM Earnestly, Diligently, with his whole spirit, heart, and soul; That Seeks HIS FACE, HIS FAVOUR, GRACE, AND GLORY, AND ALL IN CHRIST, THROUGH WHOM All Are To Be Enjoyed. GOD IS GOOD TO Such Souls; HE IS A REWARDER Of Them IN A WAY OF GRACE; WITH HIMSELF, As Their SHIELD AND EXCEEDING GREAT REWARD, WITH HIS SON, And All Things Freely With HIM; With HIS SPIRIT AND GRACES, AND WITH ETERNAL GLORY AND HAPPINESS; Such Find What They Seek For, CHRIST, HIS GRACE, AND ETERNAL FIRE; THE LORD NEVER FORSAKES Them, NOR THE WORK OF HIS HAND IN Them, And They Shall Live SPIRITUALLY AND ETERNALLY; see ( Hebrews 11:6 ) ( Proverbs 8:17 ) ( Matthew 7:7 ) ( Romans 2:7 ) ( Psalms 9:10 ) ( 69:32 ) .  v26, [It Is] Good that [a man] should both HOPE and QUIETLY WAIT,  &c.] This follows from the former; for if GOD IS GOOD TO Such, it must be good for them to HOPE AND WAIT FOR HIM; it is both their duty and their interest: and it may be observed, That HOPE Is The Ground Of Patient Waiting, AND IS HERE PROMISED TO IT; where there is no HOPE of a thing, there will be no WAITING for it, much less quietly: HOPE IS of things unseen, future, difficult, and yet possible, or there would be no HOPE; and where there is THAT, There Will Be WAITING For “if we HOPE for that we see not, then do we with PATIENCE WAIT FOR IT”, ( Romans 8:25 ) ; here in the original text it is, “HOPE, and be silent” F26; or, “a good man will both HOPE” or “WAIT”, And Be Silent” F1; That Is, Under The Present Dispensation (THE NEW TESTAMENT), though an afflictive (suffering) one; men should Be Still, as David exhorts (counsels, encourages), and be dumb, as he was; and hold their peace, as Aaron did, at such seasons: not that they should indulge a stoical (patient) apathy (indifference), or be insensible of their condition, and disregard the rod, And HIM That Has Appointed It, or be altogether silent and speechless; But Should Own  THE HAND OF GOD, and their deserts (what they deserve), Cry To HIM FOR DELIVERANCE, BE THANKFUL IT IS NO WORSE, AND SPEAK OF THE GRACIOUS DEALINGS OF GOD WITH Them; yet should not murmur and complain, or charge GOD foolishly; but be Resigned (Accepting) to HIS WILL, And WAIT The Issue Of PROVIDENCE (GOD’S WILL) Quietly, Even Wait FOR THE SALVATION OF THE LORD;  FOR  Temporal (Worldly) Deliverance from outward evils and present afflictions, and for SPIRITUAL AND ETERNAL SALVATION. The Saints, Under THE OLD TESTAMENT, WAITED FOR CHRIST, THE AUTHOR OF SALVATION, WHICH IS PUBLISHED IN THE GOSPEL.  Sensible sinners Are Made Acquainted With Their Need Of IT, And See THE FULLNESS AND SUITABLENESS OF IT, And Are Earnestly Desirous Of Knowing Their Interest In IT; THIS Is Not Immediately Had; IT IS GOOD TO WAIT QUIETLY FOR IT, In An Attendance On THE WORD AND ORDINANCES; And This Being Come At, Still The Complete Enjoyment Is Yet Behind:  Saints Are Now Heirs Of IT, Are Kept Unto IT; IT IS NEARER Them Than When They BELIEVED;  CHRIST WILL APPEAR UNTO IT, And It Becomes Them To WAIT PATIENTLY FOR IT; Which Will Be A SALVATION From The Very Being Of Sin; from the temptations of Satan; From All Troubles Inward and Outward; from all troublesome persons and things; from all doubts, fears, darkness, and unbelief; AND WILL CONSIST IN PERFECT HAPPINESS AND GLORY, AND IS WORTH WAITING FOR.  Amen.

Matthew Henry’s Concise Bible Commentary – v21–36, Having Stated his distress and temptation, The Prophet Shows How he Was Raised Above It.  Bad as things are, It Is Owing TO THE MERCY OF GOD that they are not worse.  We should observe what makes (secures) for us, as well as what is against us.  GOD’S COMPASSION’S FAIL NOT.  Of This We Have Fresh Instances Every Morning.  Portions (Possessions) on earth are perishing things, BUT GOD IS A PORTION FOR EVER.  It Is Our Duty, And Will Be Our Comfort And Satisfaction, To HOPE AND QUIETLY WAIT FOR THE SALVATION OF THE LORD.  Afflictions do and will work very much For Good:  many have found it good to bear This Yoke in their Youth; it has made many Humble and Serious, and has weaned them from the world, who otherwise would have been proud and unruly.  If Tribulation Work(s) Patience, That Patience Will Work Experience, And That Experience A HOPE That Makes Not Ashamed.  Amen!.        

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